Password generator

Datum i vrijeme:

Četvrtak, 23.01.2025

Password generator

Šta možete da očekujete:

Join us for an engaging session to discover everything you need to know about Active Protect Manager, a dedicated backup operating system designed to simplify and enhance your data protection processes.

Na vebinaru ćete dobiti odgovore na sljedeća pitanja:

  • What is Active Protect Manager and Why It’s a Game-Changer: Learn how this dedicated backup operating system delivers fast, reliable, and secure data protection. With a 10-minute installation and the ability to perform your first backup in just 15 minutes, it’s designed for ease and efficiency.
  • Key Features and Innovations: Discover how to perform backups, leverage new recovery features, and adhere to the 3-2-1-1-0 backup rule—all through a centralized, single management portal.
  • Licensing, Pricing, and Value: Understand the flexible licensing options and competitive pricing that make Active Protect Manager a cost-effective choice for organizations of all sizes.
Password generator

Kome je namijenjen ovaj vebinar:

Za nove i postojeće poslovne korisnike u svim sektorima koji žele pojednostaviti zaštitu podataka pomoću jedne konzole i održati kontinuitet poslovanja.

Ukoliko imate pitanja, slobodno nam pišite na e-mail adresu:

Registrujte se besplatno


Kenan Serhatlic

Kenan Serhatlic

Synology GmbH


  1. Dobićete link ka vebinaru na e-mail, ubrzo nakon registracije.
  2. Synology Inc. i Synology GmbH zadržavaju sva prava za izmjenom sadržaja i detalja ovog događaja.