Password generator

Date & Time

11:00-11:30 am

Password generator


Learn about backup solutions for the public sector

  • Learn about the pitfalls of backing up public sector data, including backing up in air-gapped environments
  • Explore best practices for data protection
  • Explore the University of Washington case study
  • Get a live technical demo of Synology's backup solution
  • Participate in live Q&A
Password generator

Suited for...

Public sector professionals, IT managers, admins, resellers, integrators, and anyone looking for effective ways store and share files.

Public sector organizations often struggle to find efficient backup solutions that work with strict security measures like air gaps. IT teams are faced with growing workloads, tightening budgets, and the ever-increasing threat of cyberattacks.

In this webinar, we’ll explore the struggles facing public sector organizations in setting up a backup solutions in high-security or air-gapped environments. We'll discuss best practices for protecting vital public sector data, and demo Synology's efficient, centralized backup solution for on-site PCs and servers.

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James Cissel

James Cissel

Technical Account Manager at Synology


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  2. You will receive a meeting link one day before the event date. Please register at your earliest convenience.
  3. Synology Inc. reserves all rights to change the content of this event.
  4. If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact us at